Welcome to electronic invoicing for MSX International
MSX International has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices.
MSX International has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices.
How to use the Tungsten network portal
Who is Tungsten?
Tungsten Network provides electronic invoicing, analytics and workflow solutions to companies around the globe. For more information about our products and services please visit our website.
My customer has requested that I use Tungsten Network to submit invoices. What should I do?
Both the buyer and seller must be members of the Tungsten Network in order to send and receive electronic invoices through Tungsten.
Many of your customers may already be members of the network. Within 24 hours of joining the Tungsten Network, you can be sending those customers e-Invoices.
What are my benefits from using Tungsten?
Are there fees associated with this service?
Tungsten Network provides two levels of electronic invoicing capability. Each of the solutions include a free number of invoices each month.
Click here for Integrated Solution
Click here for Web Form Solution
Why doesn't MSX International pay the fees?
MSX International does not cover a Suppliers costs to produce your paper invoices and therefore will not be covering the cost to send electronically. However the electronic solution is more cost effective to most businesses. In addition to the financial savings you will also receive the advantages of immediate invoice submission, invoice delivery confirmation, and 24/7 invoice status and reporting capability.
Will MSX International make payments using Tungsten?
Tungsten is not a payment platform. MSX International will continue to use their current payment method.
Can I send electronic invoices via the Tungsten Network?
To start using the Tungsten Network, all you need to do is register now, using the Registration Key or TN Number given to you by your customer. Once registered, all suppliers using this option automatically receive 52 free transactions. At the end of your first anniversary (one year after registration), we will replenish your account, at no charge, back to 52 free invoices for you to use during the next 12 months.
If you are registered in one of the countries below and intend to store your invoices for tax reclaim on the Tungsten invoice archive you will need to notify your local tax authority. Tungsten provides a standard wording you can use to provide this notification. A link to a copy of the notification template will be emailed to you.
Can I send invoice data directly from my billing system?
You can send invoices directly from your billing system in any format you choose. To do this you will need to become an Integrated Solution Supplier on the Tungsten Network. Please contact Tungsten directly on +44 (0)870 165 7420 to do this. Tungsten also has local numbers in the following countries:
Country | Local Number |
Asia Pacific region | +60 (3) 9207 7800 |
Belgium | +32 (0)24 031 011 |
Denmark | +45 808 858 18 |
Finland | +358 (0)800 118 871 |
France | +33 (0)1707 081 00 |
Germany | +49 (0)69 2222 20290 |
Ireland | +353 (0)1 247 7709 |
Mexico |
+39 02360 06340
+52 (55) 3098 7625 |
Netherlands | +31 (0)207 121 385 |
Norway | +47 800 149 34 |
Portugal | +351 (0)800 860007 |
Spain | +34 914 141 472 |
Sweden | +46 (0)85 057 8418 |
Switzerland | +41 (0)44 580 1491 |
United Kingdom | +44 (0)870 165 7420 |
United States | +1 (770) 698 1420 |
Once I have received the RTT (Ready to Transact) notification from Tungsten can I still submit my paper invoices?
No, the expectation from MSX International is that once you receive this notification you should start submitting all invoices through Tungsten and no further paper invoices should be sent (rejected if still received). This is to prevent any possible duplication.
Can Tungsten support different languages?
Tungsten teams can support the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch and Italian.
For additional help related to Tungsten e-invoicing support click here to find contact information per country.
Please note that you should continue doing business with your customer in the language you normally use.
How secure is sending invoices via the Web Form?
Access to the Tungsten service, including the Web Form, requires three credential authorizations. In addition, each session is protected by industry standard 128 bit SSL encryption using Class 3 Server Certificates from Verisign. Once your invoice is created it is stored in the secure archive where it is protected by the latest security measures which are tested daily.
This means only authorized users can connect to the site and that once connected, all communications are private and data is completely secure.
Is registering on the Tungsten portal equivalent to joining Tungsten?
Yes, part of the registration process is that you have to accept required standard terms and conditions given. Once you do it, the expectation from MSX International is that you will stop submitting paper invoices (rejected if still received) and submit all invoices via Tungsten.
Do I need to enter into sign an agreement with Tungsten Network?
Yes, regardless of the solution you choose, you will be required to accept Tungsten Network’s terms and conditions.
Do I need to install any software?
The Tungsten Solutions do not require any software or hardware installations to submit invoices.
What are the minimum system requirements for using the Tungsten Network?
The minimum operating system requirements are: Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Linux or Mac OS 9.2*.
Minimum browser requirements are: Version 9 of Internet Explorer and the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.
Can I send two invoices with the same invoice number?
No, this is to prevent duplicate invoices. The system itself does not allow entering the same number twice.
Can I send an invoice with an earlier invoice date than today's date?
Yes, just enter relevant date. However, a future date is not possible.
How do I add an attachment to my invoice?
Does the "Accepted" status on the Tungsten portal mean that my invoice has been accepted for payment by MSX International?
No, to get an accurate status of your submitted invoices you should view the Invoice Status updates on your Tungsten portal account.
When using Invoice Status with Tungsten, what type of invoice status updates will I receive on the Tungsten portal?
What if Tungsten doesn't accept my invoice number when creating an invoice?
Tungsten remembers all invoice numbers sent by you to MSX International. This protects both you and MSX International from sending duplicates. Therefore your invoice should always have a unique number, for example 1/2016 and 1/2017 will be accepted.
When I enter multiple PO numbers at the header level my invoices fail submission. Where should I enter this information?
Please enter only one PO in “PO field” on invoice header. Please enter other POs in the body of the invoice – each PO on each related line, e.g.:
Who is in charge of providing supplementary access of Tungsten Network login details for other users?
When a supplier or Buyer registers to the Tungsten portal they have to nominate an administrator, the details of the administrator can be located by clicking on “My Account” and then by clicking on “My Profile” the details will appear at the bottom of the screen.
It is the administrator that can add new users and amend access rights.
Haven't found your answer?
Visit Tungsten Network website for more information.