Welcome to electronic invoicing for MSX International

MSX International has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices.

MSX International buyer entities in scope for e-invoicing with Tungsten Network

For information about the MSX International legal entities available for you to invoice via Tungsten Network, please consult the file on the below link.

Please use this list to ensure that you have established the correct trading relationships on Tungsten Network to invoice MSX International.

Tungsten Network Account Number Buyer Company Code Entity Name Tax ID Country
AAA472293109 00039 MSX International GmbH BE0851412550 BELGIUM
AAA631812484 00048 MSX International Czech Republic s.r.o. CZ27623220 CZECH REPUBLIC
AAA064526510 00036 MSX International GmbH DE206280654 GERMANY
AAA086644853 00041 MSX International Techservices, S.L. ESB80367394 SPAIN
AAA995118114 00077 MSX Int Business Services France S.A.S. FR90444713986 FRANCE
AAA170671960 00030 MSX International Ltd GB368813615 UNITED KINGDOM
AAA653884767 00082 Impetus Automotive Limited GB2145289176 UNITED KINGDOM
AAA091461012 00023 MSX International Czech Republic s.r.o. (Hungarian Branch Office) HU23921979 HUNGARY
AAA983897539 00044 MSX International Holdings Italia S.r.l. IT07976060017 ITALY
AAA176449593 00056 MSX Ricerca e Selezione IT11453661008 ITALY
AAA819613639 00078 MSXI Technical Training Academy IE9982864U IRELAND
AAA510196983 00040 MSX International GmbH NL814902984B01 NETHERLANDS
AAA460987902 00022 MSX International Czech Republic sp. z o.o. oddzial w Polsce PL1070023596 POLAND
AAA530541085 00032 MSX International Ltd SE516402683201 SWEDEN
AAA028508760 00033 MSX International Ltd, Suomen sivuliike FI21523337 SWEDEN
AAA181053091 00034 MSX International Ltd (Norway) 974251515MVA SWEDEN
AAA399977271 00035 MSX International Ltd (Denmark) N/A SWEDEN

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