Welcome to electronic invoicing for Sanofi

Sanofi has partnered with Tungsten Network to provide a simpler way for suppliers to submit invoices

How to create e-invoices and credit notes

This page has the purpose to help suppliers creating and sending invoices to Sanofi in a quick and easy way while ensuring that all information required for fast processing and payment are available.

Please click here to check which Sanofi entities you can electronically invoice through Tungsten Network at this moment. We advise you to check this link regularly as we are working continuously on expanding the e-invoicing service across Europe.

In order to help your invoices to Sanofi being processed quicker, please consider the following:

  • Ensure your bank details are up to date
  • Know your Purchase Order (PO) or Ticket number and mention this in your invoice
  • State the Sanofi PO Line number on each of the corresponding lines of your invoice
  • Ensure perfect matching of the invoice with the Purchase Order by using the ‘PO Convert’ service
  • Ensure your invoice dimensions match the Sanofi PO dimensions (e.g. unit of measurement, currency, etc.)

Please click here to view our detailed guide offering all the details you need to know in order to ensure a fast processing and payment of your invoice.

Please click here if you are invoicing Sanofi through the Tungsten Web Form.

Please click here if you are invoicing Sanofi through the Tungsten Integrated Solution.

Web Form

The Tungsten Network Web Form Invoice Solution is the tool that enables you to create and submit your invoices online. Tungsten guarantees delivery of your invoice to Sanofi within hours, allowing us to decrease the time required for processing and payment.
The Tungsten Network Web Form Invoice Solution is recommended for users who send a low volume of invoices.

  • 52 free invoices annually
  • Send invoices through the Tungsten Portal
  • Invoice status updates & email notifications
  • Send yourself copies of the invoices and create custom reports
  • Customer Connect
  • Early payment capability

The following short tutorial video shows you how to create your invoices and credit notes in the Tungsten Network Portal:

Frequently Asked Questions

    My company details are not accurate. How can I update them?

    It is critical that we have the correct details of your company especially the bank details.

    Please click here to view a tutorial explaining you how to update your company details. Please click here to view how to update your bank details.

    Please keep in mind that updating minor details (e.g. Street instead of Str, st. etc.) is not required and could also cause delays in the processing of your invoice as depending on the type of change further verifications may be required on our side.

    Why can't I connect to the Sanofi entity that I want to invoice?

    E-invoicing is in progress of being rolled out across Europe. Should the entity you want to invoice appear on the list of Sanofi entities which have switched to e-Invoicing, please contact Tungsten Support.

    If the entity you want to invoice is not part of the above list, please continue to send your invoices as you normally do. We will be happy to receive your electronic invoice once the service is rolled out to the respective entity.

    What should I do if I don't know my PO number?

    In case you have doubts regarding the correctness of your PO number or you don’t know it, please review the PO information displayed in the section “My POs” of the portal (Please watch “Convert purchase orders into invoices” video for more details). Should this not bring enough clarity regarding the PO number to use for your invoice, please ask your contact person within Sanofi about the PO to be used before submitting the invoice.

    Can I add attachments to my invoices?

    Yes, please add in the electronic format the same attachments you used to send together with your invoices before. Following formats are accepted: MSG, XLS, XLSX, PDF, RTF, TIF, TXT, DOC and DOCX. Please consider that the size of the attached file should not exceed 5MB. In case you require further help, please contact Tungsten Support.

Integrated Solution

The Tungsten Network Integrated Solution service makes your invoice automation easy and straight forward. Companies with a high volume of invoices choose the Integrated Solution service because they want to increase efficiency, reduce paper and save time. The Tungsten Network Integrated Invoice Solution is recommended for users who send a high volume of invoices.

  • Send directly from your accounting system
  • Invoice status updates & email notifications
  • Send yourself copies of the invoices and create custom reports
  • Customer Connect
  • Early payment capability

Frequently Asked Questions

    Does my invoice data need to match the Sanofi PO data?

    Yes, we strongly recommend using the same details (e.g. line level structure, unit of measure, currency, unit price etc.) for your invoice as we used in our PO. Should any of these elements differ in the invoice compared to the PO, this may cause the need for manual processing/verification/approval which may result in a delay of your payment.

    Do I need to specify in my invoice data files if I am delivering goods or services

    Yes, there is the option for the suppliers using the Integrated Solution to upload invoice attachments as bulk without the need to access the Tungsten Portal for each one of them. Please contact Tungsten Support in case you need help with this.

    Can I upload my attachments as a bulk or do I need to go to the portal for each of them?

    Yes, there is the option for the suppliers using the Integrated Solution to upload invoice attachments as a bulk without the need to access the Tungsten Portal for each of them. Please contact Tungsten Support in case you need help in this regards.

    What if I receive a failure message from Tungsten?

    The error message displayed on the email alert and/or Tungsten Portal should explain the issue and how to rectify the situation (if necessary). It is important to make sure that your invoice data is compliant with the requirements highlighted in the Sanofi e-invoicing Supplier Guide . If this is correct, please contact Tungsten Support.

Speak to one of our experts

You have unique challenges and requirements. Arrange a call to find out how we can help automate your specific processes.